Dear friends:

It's been really a long time that we had no chance to hang out together,

and I do really miss you, I hope and I want you to know that.

My life has been pretty cool, some funny things happened all the time, 

and it seems like that I have been quite comfortable with this kind of life, truly, I am re~ally happy at this moment.

Am I telling the truth? Not really, I wannna get rid of all these stuff, and find myself back.

I dislike in doing all these researches, but I have to, this is my choice, I choose to do so, choosing to be a master or something, although I can't tell the worth of doing this right now.

my dear,我很想跟你在一起,但我也很想離開這個地方,追尋一個自我實現的機會,找到我的真我,而不再虛情假意的趨炎附勢,迎合那些醜陋臉龐的無理需要,以及這個了無生趣的媒體生態。


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